Old Glory

Many veterans end up spending thousands of dollars on Long-Term-Care!
Did you know that veterans who served during a period of war may qualify for LTC benefits paid for by the VA?  The VA has a little known Disability Pension Benefit that can be used to pay for home care, assisted living or nursing home care.  This benefit pays up to $23,396 towards the cost of care. Homeless and low income veterans also can qualify for this benefit.  Learn more...

Improved Disability Pension Benefits 2009 - 2010
Veteran with no dependents $11,830
Veteran with a spouse or a child $15,493*
Housebound no dependents $14,457
Housebound with one dependent $18,120*
Aid & Attendance no dependents $19,736
Aid & Attendance with one dependents $23,396*
*Additional children $2,020 for each child.

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Veterans make up one in four of the homeless living on our streets in the United States.  You can help us make a difference.

Veterans Care Providers, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity.
All Donations are Tax Deductable!

To learn more you can email us: Benefits@veteranscarereproviders.org



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